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Full Version: Problem with shortcuts to my network drives
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all of a sudden my network drive shortcuts in TLB do not work properly anymore.

My system specs: Windows XP prof, Service Pack 1, TLB v2.2

There are some drives on my file server that are connected to my work pc every time it boots via some autostart batch file.

The contents of the batch file are like this:

net use s: \\fileserver\data1 /persistent:no
net use t: \\fileserver\data2 /persistent:no

I created shortcuts to these network drives in TLB and - until recently - they worked just fine.

But a few days ago the odd behaviour started: I can't access them anymore. Oddly enough TLB shortcuts to specific folders on those network drives work just fine. I'm puzzled.

The only thing I installed recently are some microsoft security patches. Could this annoying problem have something to do with those?

Any help apreciated.

Sounds like the security/permissions of the folder on the server to me. Could you check that you have the proper authorities to the root of the share (explorer *might* tell you), or get someone to confirm it fo you?

I do have full root admin rights on the server. I did the setup myself.

shortcuts to the network drives DO WORK outside of TLB.

I seem to remember someone else having a problem similar to this after installing a Windows security update (though I don't think the specific update was named). Do a search in the forums to see if you come up with anything. You might also try the latest beta to see if that fixes your problem.
Yes, try with version there are many changes.
Yesssss, you're right! The latest Beta fixes the problem.

