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Full Version: Mail Monitor 1.14 "locks" sometimes
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Sometimes Mail Monitor locks while checking mail on an account and then it's stuck...

It does not seem to realize that the mail check fails but it's locked "while checking"

The solution to this would be to be able to specify a certain delay and when the account does not get an answer from this account after a specific time (long enough to give for slow connections) MM would assume that it's a failed account.

The problem now is that for example I cannot check mail on this account and I cannot tell him that I've already checked the mail, the stop does not work, only killing explorer.exe makes it reset, it would be nice to be able to manually reset MM.
Isn't there a setting for this under Account options, Timeout?
Well, my timeout setting is 30 seconds and yesterday an account stayed on "checking" for 5 hours, of course the account was still working perfectly because with mailwasher I cold check it and retrieve the mails using opera.

That's why a global "reset" button or an account reset would ge great...
I'm also having this problem with 1.14. Some accounts continue to check fine whilst others will randomly stick during the checking process and will remain that way until I next reboot. Neither the timeout setting or clicking the stop button for the stuck account does any good. I've never had this problem prior to this version.

Mail continues to check correctly for the stuck accounts in my normal mail browser.
Thank you for bug report. I've reproduced this bug and fix it in the next version.
Thanks for the great support, Yuri! Do you have any date for when this is likely to be released?
I have this happening in 1.14beta now. It locks up the mailbox for minutes, sometimes nothing seems to work except killing explorer to get my e-mail.
It's become so bad now that I have to tick "pause check" on the plugin before I check my mail.

When doing this, explorer stops responding for 20-30 seconds before the plugin gets unconstipated and gets the idea, then things return to normal.

Windows XP Pro Eng SP2+updates.

TLB 3.2.7 Beta
Mail monitor 1.14 Beta.
Is there any update on the fix for this being released? This has been causing me problems for quite some time now and even stops the machine from shutting down cleanly after a mail account check locks (GPF in Explorer.exe).

Failing that, does anyone know where I can re-download 1.12? 1.12 seemed to work correctly for me unlike 1.13/1.14.
