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Hello out there!

I rarely got exceptions #c0000005 when I pop up a TLB menu and explorer.exe crashes (after that DrWatson writes a dump and explorer.exe restarts). In the last three dumps (May 28, May 23, April 23) I found the following code fragment:

Function: CxImage::Crop
        02ccaeed 89742420         mov     [esp+0x20],esi         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaef1 eb04             jmp     CxImage::AlphaCreate+0x2d77 (02cd39f7)
        02ccaef3 8b442410         mov     eax,[esp+0x10]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaef7 99               cdq
        02ccaef8 f7fd             idiv    ebp
        02ccaefa 8b74241c         mov     esi,[esp+0x1c]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaefe 8b7c2418         mov     edi,[esp+0x18]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaf02 8bd1             mov     edx,ecx
        02ccaf04 c1e902           shr     ecx,0x2
        02ccaf07 898344010000     mov     [ebx+0x144],eax        ds:02ed3ca0=0000005c
ERROR ->02ccaf0d f3a5            rep  movsd ds:032d2ffe=???????? es:032c9614=ffff0000
        02ccaf0f 8bca             mov     ecx,edx
        02ccaf11 8b542410         mov     edx,[esp+0x10]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaf15 83e103           and     ecx,0x3
        02ccaf18 f3a4             rep     movsb         ds:032d2ffe=ff es:032c9614=00
        02ccaf1a 8b4330           mov     eax,[ebx+0x30]         ds:0395112e=????????
        02ccaf1d 8b74241c         mov     esi,[esp+0x1c]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaf21 8b7c2418         mov     edi,[esp+0x18]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaf25 8b4c2460         mov     ecx,[esp+0x60]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaf29 03f0             add     esi,eax
        02ccaf2b 8b442420         mov     eax,[esp+0x20]         ss:0189c9cf=????????
        02ccaf2f 03f9             add     edi,ecx

Is there a little bug in the CxImage library TLB uses? Or are there corrupt icon images somewhere in my TLB menus? If so, how I can find them?

I've updated TLB 2.x to 3.2 last week, but the fault still persists.

A second thing is shown in the attachment: What mistake I've done that the uptime plugin shows a cropped uptime? Maybe this could cause the explorer.exe exceptions? Strangely I can call that menu without problems for a while and suddenly at any time explorer.exe crashes. Hm, can the 'old' TLB skin be a problem?

Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 3
Shell Version:5.0.3502.5436
Internet Explorer Version: 5.00.3502.1000
TLB version: 3.2