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Full Version: Moving TLB from one drive to another??
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I want to "shut down" TLB from one of my drives, and move it to another drive.............

What is the best way to do this???

Any help would be appreciated?
Do you want to move the installation folder or the toolbar folder?

You can uninstall TLB from one drive and install it on other. Settings must be saved if you are using the same toolbar folder.

If you want to move the toolbar folder then backup your current toolbar, create new toolbar on other drive (TLB Settings->Toolbars), switch TLB into new toolbar and restore settings from the backup.

I want to move the whole TLB directory to another drive........

How do uninstall and reinstall???? I'm getting very strange behavior
right now with TLB 4.1

See bug reports
Okay; I just discovered uninstall.exe in the directory...............

I assume all I do in uninstall...................then copy all directory files to the new drive...................then reinstall on the new drive..............

The restore from backups?
Quote:I assume all I do in uninstall...................then copy all directory files to the new drive...................then reinstall on the new drive..............
That's all you need in your case.