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Full Version: TLBClock: Not enough space to display full date
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I installed Truelaunchbar (registered version). I have placed the TLB Clock in the center of my Windows Task Bar with drop-down menus on each side.

The problem is when a full name day and full name month are displayed the first letter of the day of the week and the last digit of the of the day of the month are cut off. In the illustration, the date is Wednesday, September 20th.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
what is the TLB Clock plugin version do you use?
I am using the latest version 1.5.
OK, Thank you for bug report. Currently I can't to reproduce this bug on my computer. But I'll check the code. Please can you send me the file "tlb clock.tlbplugin"? You can drag the clock on the desktop or into email to get this file.
Here is the "tlb clock.tlblugin" you requested.

The only dates where there is a problem are Wednesdays. Every other date displays fine. There just doesn't seem to be enough space to properly display; the plug-in does not allow it.