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Full Version: Popup Menu question
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Forgive me, but I don't get it.

I'm trying to make Pop up at Cursor work with Windows List. But Windows List doesn't have hot key assignment, yet Pop up at cursor is an option in the context menu.

I've got round it by making a new menu, with a hot key assignment, setting it to tear off and pop up, and then dragging the Windows List into it. So the hot key opens the menu which has Windows List open inside it (not sure why it's open automatically, but it is).

This is a tad clumsy. Is there a neater way?

[Split into new thread for clarity.]
I'll add the hotkey into this plugin.
Thanks Yuri. Actually putting the Windowlist plug-in inside its own menu works better than I thought it would. But a hotkey to call it would be so much neater.