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Full Version: Toolbar layout - is this possible?
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I am new to TLB and trying to create a nice layout in Vista.
I'd like to be able to use double size taskbar (60 px) started with a full height TLB, a second pretty wide TLB toolbar that is half of the taskbar's height next to it on the top, a third half height next to the first on the bottom, followed by the task buttons.

Something like this (this layout is unfortunately only a photoshop mockup):
[Image: toolbarmockup.jpg]

Is that possible? I couldn't find out how to attach the 2nd and 3rd next to the full height TLB. One of them want to go below it.

Many thanks
Only TLB1 is impossible. Windows don't support the combination of two rows and one row toolbars on the taskbar at same time.

All other toolbars are possible.
What a pity. I was very much hoping for that.
Thanks for the answer anyway and congrats for keeping up such a live community.