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Full Version: Black background on menu buttons
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I'm a new user of True Launch Bar and one of the reasons I wanted it was its compatibility with Windows 7's glass look. The problem is that when my mouse is on a menu button, the background on the button turns black. It doesn't happen to normal (non-menu) buttons.

(In the pictures the printscreen removed the mouse arrow but I'm sure you can tell which button the mouse was on when the printscreen was done)

This is the standard theme Windows 7 supply for toolbars. Normal button becomes black like a menu when you press and hold the left mouse button. I recommend you to update the true launch bar to the version 4.4.13 RC5 (next version will be the stable release). This version have some skins that closer (although not ideally) to the Windows 7.
I can wait for the next release. Thanks for the info (and for the program updates)!

The menu in the .png you posted looks really cool. I like the gray tint and the dividers, and what looks like a collapsible section (with the - in the section title). Is that a screenshot of the next update?
This screenshot from this version. The skin is "Dark Glass", installed with TLB. To make the a collapsible section, create the separator then right-click it and turn on the option "Enable Expand/Collapse".
It looks great. Will it be a free update from the current version? (I purchased it yesterday)

Thank you.
All updated are free.