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Full Version: explorer crashes because of mailmon.dll - XP SP1 update problems
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Since my Windows XP update to SP1, mailmonitor(v1.3) can not run anymore. It keeps crashing Explorer. Event Viewer shows this:

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module mailmon.dll, version, fault address 0x00002c87.

I had to go to Safe Mode and delete the .dll as admin. TLB version 1.2.5 RC3. Reinstalling the plugin does not help.
Cannot reproduce this bug, but try to find the bug.
One question: explorer crashes every time or only if you have new mail?
Same problem here. Except it wasn't SP1, yet. I could not do anything as every 3 or 4 seconds the "Send, Don't send" box would appear. it would not shut the plugin down. I had to really time it so i could delete the plug before I got the message again. Same error:

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2600.0, faulting module mailmon.dll, version, fault address 0x00002c87.

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Good luck
Yuri Kobets Wrote:One question: explorer crashes every time or only if you have new mail?

I started a few hours after upgrading to SP1. When opening the mailbox (by clicking the icon), mailmon crashed the first time and kept crashing Explorer. Had to delete mailmon.dll in safe mode. I had no mail at that time.
I just reinstalled mailmon again, but the crashes came straight back. No mail also this time.

I sent you a message with more info and a mailheader from the one mail on the server when MM crashed Explorer again after reinstalling MM. Hope this helps a bit.
Roma Wrote:I sent you a message with more info and a mailheader from the one mail on the server when MM crashed Explorer again after reinstalling MM. Hope this helps a bit.
Thank you! Try with version 1.4 this version Wink
So far Mail Monitor 1.4 seems to be stable. Received a couple of mails without problems. I will ask the sender that sent me the problem mail with v1.3 to send me another mail.

Thanks for the good work. Big Grin