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Full Version: [How To] Move and/or rename a virtual folder?
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Question: How can one move and/or rename a virtual folder (and preserve the existing menu settings)?
I have a menu item on my TLB that point to a (virtual) folder on my system and I'd like to rename and/or move that folder to a new location.
Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
Sorry for delay. Confused

All settings of the virtual folder are located in file tlbdata.xml. Right-click the virtual folder and select "Open in explorer" - TLB will open toolbar folder with the virtual folder selected. Enter into the selected folder and you'll find tlbdata.xml. Please note, this file is hidden, so you have to enable to view the hidden files.

Now how you change the folder location.
1. Save the tlbdata.xml from the old folder
2. Create virtual folder with other location
3. Use "Open in explorer" to find virtual folder inside TLB toolbar folder
4. Replace tlbdata.xml
5. Refresh toolbar or menu