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My Mail Monitor spam filter isn't working. I use the rules that came with the plugin and also added some rules myself. But the mails that come in and should be marked as spam, get the little harts icon and are not deleted from the server as the rule says. I'm using v1.7.3 beta.
Look carefully. You will find that you have accidentally added the conditions to be filtered into the FRIENDS rule. It is easy to do because that is the default rule that comes up when you choose to make new condition.

You will have to delete the conditions from the FRIENDS rule and add to one of the other rules (subject / from etc)

I have told Mr. Kobets about this and he said he would fix this in the new version, perhaps to make Mail Monitor remember the last chosen settings.
cmishima Wrote:You will find that you have accidentally added the conditions to be filtered into the FRIENDS rule.
Nope, no rules in the 'friends' part of the filter. All rules are in place (from/to; subject; etc.) Still all the received spam is seen as a mail from a friend.
If that is so please check how the MARK AS field is configured for each rule.

Have you changed the order in which the rules are processed?
It looks to me all the rules are defined fine. As far as I remember I did not change the order of the rules, but I put the "friends" rule all the way down (from the top) now. It seems the spamfilter is working now as it is supposed to be. I'll check the logfile for the next couple of days to see if all's right.

Thanx for the support

[Edit 16/02] Well, it seems now that defined spam is deleted, but all other messages still get the harts icon. No rules are defined for treating messages as 'friends' messages.