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WM missing icons - using 2 WM in TLB - Printable Version

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- Q Section - 02-24-2003

Guess what? We believe we got it! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Right now both WM icons are working and one of them is *not* one of the default icons. It will be necessary to wait and see for a few weather cycles if we *really* got it. Smile Now the only thing left is to differentiate between day and night. For example there are icons for a 'Day Partly Cloudy' condition and a 'Night Partly Cloudy' condition. It must be pretty easy to add a few correct lines into the coding in the right spot so WM notices if the html text says either 'Today' or 'Tonight' or whatever.

Thanks loads for all your patience, Yuri, shapeshifter and all.

HMSS Q Section

- Q Section - 02-24-2003

reposted below

- Q Section - 02-24-2003


Quote:Just out of curiosity, who is this "we" you keep refering to?
If you are interested you might like to look at:
Thanks again for your help. Smile

HMSS Q Section

- Q Section - 02-24-2003

And not only that but when we finally got it we did it on the home computer. Now at work we also got it going properly. Big Grin

Any input on the day/night icon request or is it to be a feature of WM1.3?

HMSS Q Section

- shapeshifter - 02-25-2003

You could have, for instance, a "Clear Night" icon, but the problem would be finding a web page that reports the conditions and Day/Night cylce relatively close together in the page (ideally: adjacent). I have a feeling Yuri might be incorporating this into WM 1.3, however.

- Yuri Kobets - 02-25-2003

Yes, the next version of the WM will support day/night icons Wink

- Q Section - 02-26-2003


Crashed good. Downloaded TLB 2.2.01beta and deleted both WM's manually. Rebooted. New TLB came up alright but nothing we do can get even 1 WM up. We can select 'New>WM' and go through set-up but it does not take. Only tooltip says, "Weather Monitor1". BTW - we are temporarily using basic provider ini and skin.ini. The only difference is the skin.ini lists more icons under a second heading of [instaweather] which is listed after the first eight icons under [default icons]. Wink

HMSS Q Section

- Q Section - 02-26-2003

Do not worry anyone....Fixed it all!
Went in System File Checker and did a restoration and now Windows, IE, TLB & WM1.2b are all working fine with all icons etc.

HMSS Q Section