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Weather Monitor parsing bug - Printable Version

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- HorusUK - 03-06-2004

In the following code fragment from a provider file I'm writing, I've found a potential problem with fetching temperatures.

; Dewpoint
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
name = Dewpoint
unit = C
find0 = "<!-- CURRENT REPORT TABLE -->"
find1 = "<!--Temp-->"
find2 = "Dewpoint:"
delim = "<"

Here's the HTML I'm parsing:
Dewpoint: 3 &deg;C<br />

Parsing this returns 0°C, but if I remove the Unit = C line from the provider file, I get 3 returned.

I've tried a delim = "&deg" just in case that was the cause, but I still get 0°C!

- Yuri Kobets - 03-06-2004

Try to change find2 string:
find2 = "Dewpoint: "
Add space into string.

- shapeshifter - 03-06-2004

I'm pretty sure Yuri's suggestion will fix this problem, but just in case, you can try adding a "ValueType = INT" to your ini section. I'm not holding my breath on that one becuase I suspect that assigning C or F as the unit has the same effect. I do know that if you try to assign a string variable (like a space or a letter) to an INTeger variable type (such as with unit type C), the plugin will return a 0 as the measurement. (I'm pretty sure you already knew this, HorusUK, just posting it here for the benefit of others.) I exploited this in my X-Mod Wind skin. The web page I'm parsing will sometimes report "N/A" for the wind gust speed, which would throw off my skin's alignment. By telling WM to expect an INT(eger), it interprets "N/A" as 0, which fits just fine in my skin.

- HorusUK - 03-07-2004 can try adding a "ValueType = INT" to your ini section....
Shapeshifter, you're right, I've pretty pretty much exhausted all combinations here! The trouble with using a valuetype=int is that I can't get accurate °F temperatures as they're in the format 43.2°F, so valuetype=INT only returns 43°F. I too use the valuetype = INT "trick" to return 0 for gusts in my wind skin!

Quote:Try to change find2 string:
find2 = "Dewpoint: "
Add space into string.
Yuri, I changed my code to include spaces at the end of find2 = "Dewpoint " and beginning of "delim = " &deg" to eliminate ALL spaces:

; Dewpoint
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
name = Dewpoint
unit = C
find0 = "<!-- CURRENT REPORT TABLE -->"
find1 = "<!--Temp-->"
find2 = "Dewpoint: "
delim = " &deg"
and I *finally* get the correct temperature returned. Shouldn't white space be ignored when parsed if the valuetype isn't STRING?

Which brings me very nicely around to the point I made in this thread. Big Grin

- shapeshifter - 03-07-2004

Unless you specify a ValueType, the default is STRING. I think ignoring whitespace would cause problems. I frequently use a space as either a find parameter or a delimiter.

Yuri: I was under the assumption (though I'm not sure why) that WM only used one character as the delimiter. Is it true that you can use multiple characters to deliminate?

- HorusUK - 03-07-2004

shapeshifter Wrote:Unless you specify a ValueType, the default is STRING. I think ignoring whitespace would cause problems. I frequently use a space as either a find parameter or a delimiter.
That's the problem, shapeshifter, we all have slightly different requirements. And I must admit, I use a space as a delimiter, on occasion. Wink

Boy, has Yuri got his work cut out on the Universal Data Fetcher Big Grin

- HorusUK - 03-26-2004

Whilst parsing a news web site, I noticed that TLB is filtering out apostrophes. I'm not sure if other punctuation is affected.

i.e. I want to fetch Major Backs Blair's Libya Trip becomes Major Backs Blair s Libya Trip (notice the missing apostrophe in Blair s... Sad