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Auto Refreshing Menus? - Printable Version

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- S1RE - 11-24-2002

Ok in the normal quick launch menu cd-rom icons tend to auto refresh and let you know whats in the drive with a special icon that has to do with that cd you inserted.

In my TLB menu which is My Computer with a couple shortcuts that aren't in your ordinary My Computer folder. Inserting a CD into 1 of the drives doesn't auto-refresh the cd-rom drives and no special icons comes up.


Is it possible to make the TLB menu auto-expand like the start menu?

Is it possible to make the TLB menu icon appear as the start menu of another color or design?

and my last question...
Can TLB run on Linux or other operating systems, or does it have the capability of running on future versions of Windows?

- Yuri Kobets - 11-25-2002

Quote:Ok in the normal quick launch menu cd-rom icons tend to auto refresh and let you know whats in the drive with a special icon that has to do with that cd you inserted.

In my TLB menu which is My Computer with a couple shortcuts that aren't in your ordinary My Computer folder. Inserting a CD into 1 of the drives doesn't auto-refresh the cd-rom drives and no special icons comes up.
Yes this feature is in TODO list.

Quote:Is it possible to make the TLB menu auto-expand like the start menu?
What do you mean?

Quote:Is it possible to make the TLB menu icon appear as the start menu of another color or design?
Right-click on menu item Appearance->Change Icon

Quote:Can TLB run on Linux or other operating systems,
TLB is designed only for Windows Systems. BTW Linux have the similar toolbars Wink

Quote:does it have the capability of running on future versions of Windows?
If future versions of Windows will support Quick Launch in same way as current version then I answer YES. The screenshots of Longhorn Windows tell me about that capability.

BTW using TLB you can make the same interface like in Longhorn Windows Wink

Edited By Yuri Kobets on Nov. 25 2002 at 17:20

- S1RE - 12-04-2002

Ok in the normal quick launch menu cd-rom icons tend to auto refresh and let you know whats in the drive with a special icon that has to do with that cd you inserted.
In my TLB menu which is My Computer with a couple shortcuts that aren't in your ordinary My Computer folder. Inserting a CD into 1 of the drives doesn't auto-refresh the cd-rom drives and no special icons comes up.
Yes this feature is in TODO list.
Where is the TODO list located?

- S1RE - 12-04-2002

Ok in the normal quick launch menu cd-rom icons tend to auto refresh and let you know whats in the drive with a special icon that has to do with that cd you inserted.
In my TLB menu which is My Computer with a couple shortcuts that aren't in your ordinary My Computer folder. Inserting a CD into 1 of the drives doesn't auto-refresh the cd-rom drives and no special icons comes up.
Quote:Yes this feature is in TODO list.
Where is the TODO list located?

Is it possible to make the TLB menu auto-expand like the start menu?
Quote:What do you mean?
When you hover over the start button it changes color, clicking gives you the sensation of a button and hovering over folders or other possible selections in the start menu auto expands the branch to view sub-folders and files.

I recently learned about a program to kill the start button called, "StartKill" when used with "TrueLaunchBar" works great...

Is it possible to make the TLB menu icon appear as the start menu of another color or design?
Quote:Right-click on menu item Appearance->Change Icon
Is it possible to make the TrueLaunchBar appear totally as the start button but only have the contents of the TrueLaunchBar capable of using?

You'd have to use "StartKill" just to get rid of the start button. The rest is up to the programmer of TLB.

Can TLB run on Linux or other operating systems?
Quote:If future versions of Windows will support Quick Launch in same way as current version then I answer YES. The screenshots of Longhorn Windows tell me about that capability.
BTW using TLB you can make the same interface like in Longhorn Windows Wink
How is it possible to make a perfect style for StyleXP of the Longhorn interface and use it on my XPro system?

- Yuri Kobets - 12-04-2002

Quote:Where is the TODO list located?
On my computer Wink But you can also add there items: Wink

Quote:When you hover over the start button it changes color, clicking gives you the sensation of a button and hovering over folders or other possible selections in the start menu auto expands the branch to view sub-folders and files.
This behavior depend of skin you used. If yu select no skin then TLB works like Quick Launch. The skin can change this behavior.

Quote:How is it possible to make a perfect style for StyleXP of the Longhorn interface and use it on my XPro system?
I think you can easy find the Longhorn's StyleXP theme over Internet. The others will TLB helps to make:
Clock - TLB Clock plugin
Desktop Manager - will be relesed soon
Menus - Just make them Wink