...:::My System Info:::...
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Build 2600)
Shell Version:6.0.2600.0
Internet Explorer Version: 6.0.2600.0000
Nothing at all happenes when I start pressstart.exe.
I have tried both with and without Start Killer running.
Also tried to move the .exe to root of drive.
It Is strange ??? I have tested PresStart on the same config and all work correctly.
Maybe you have some software that improve system tray? Please inspect processes in TaskManager, can you find something like TrayServer.
No TrayServer, or any other Tray software.
I'll let you know if I figure it out.
Just published update for PresStart.
Download here
Try with this version.
Edited By Yuri Kobets on Mar. 13 2002 at 19:16
Sorry, same result.
Nothin happenes.
I can see it appearing in task manager -> processes in half a second, thats all.
Well, I'll find some other method to open Start Menu.
I'm really sorry, but it will not open my Start Menu.
I have tried to switch back to the XP start menu, but it is the same as classic start menu... it just don't open.
It opens with the Win key on my keyboard though...
OK, found the problem.
I tried to start presstart.exe from windows explorer instead of Powerdesk, and it worked.
Strange, I have used Powerdesk for many years and never experienced compatibility problems before.
(Powerdesk is a file manager)
Yes, I reproduce this bug. Try this, now it must to open Start Menu in any cases.
Yes, it works now