I would like to BOLD an item in the TLB context menu, so that I see it first when I open the context menu.
The menu I want to alter is the context menu for my Recycle Bin, which I have integrated into my TLB. When I right-click on the Bin icon, I get this context menu, which has Open highlighted (bolded). I'd like the
Empty Recycle Bin line bolded instead.
Is there any way to do this?
I have the same goal with the context menu for Yuri's excellent Clipboard Manager: in this case, I'd like to highlight (bold) the line
Clear Clipboard History. Anybody know how?
Yes, I know that I can empty the clipboard (i. e.., Clear Clipboard History) with a middle-click. I'm not looking to change the default behaviour of these two icons (Recycle Bin and Clipboard Manager), just the type face of two commands.
The default behaviour of the Recycle Bin when I single-left-click it is to open the Recycle Bin panel and show me its contents. The default behaviour of the Clipboard Manager icon when I single-l;eft-click it is to show me the contents of the clipboard. Both of those actions are perfect.
I'm just looking to make some un-bolded words bolded.
Yuri? Somebody?
It has to be coded to be bolded text.
Oh. Well, if anybody can code it, Yuri can.
This feature is released already. Context menu item text will be not Bold, but you can select and "command" as default. Right-click menu item, select Appearance->Button properties. The select the "Default command". The screenshot shows the "empty" for recycle bin. Now you can click recycle bin and empty it.
Right-click menu item (in this case yours would be Recycle Bin), select Appearance->Button properties
Inside Text Label options, click check-box of Bold.
Ur done!
PS: I think there is no way to edit (your's Clear Clipboard History) an item of the Context Menu text.