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Full Version: Virtual Folders not filtering correctly?
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I think my virtual folders might not be filtering correctly?  

I have one that is "Recent Items" and is set to show
It correctly shows only Word and Excel files, but it doesn't include PDF files.  

Another one is "Recent Items" and is set to HIDE
It does hide Word and Excel files, but does not hide PDF or MP3 files.  

Any ideas what I can try?  
Win 10 Pro and TLB v7.5 64bit.

EDIT: It might be relevant that I have both virtual folders set with the checkbox "Filter new items" = True.
Try to add * at the after pdf: *.pdf*

The "Recent Items" folder contains shortcuts to the files. So the actual files names have extension ".lnk". So shortcut to "document.pdf" has the file name "document.pdf.lnk". TLB uses the file extension for filters.
Ah yes.  That works perfectly.  Thank you.

And here is a 40x40 image of for it [Image: O8ABuAt.png]