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Another request - Rollover icons - Printable Version

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- 371 - 06-26-2001


Thanks Yuri for your previous reply. This may sound a little pointless, but would there be any way of having the icons on the launchbar change on rollover (just on the launchbar and not on the menus)?? Would this give too much overhead in any icon cache you use ??
It's more a cosmetic request than anything elseWink !!
Also if you were to have the dial up networking folder present on the bar, would there be a way to change the icon to show that one DUN connection was running ??



- Ustas - 06-26-2001

Quote:Quote: from 371 on 6:05 pm on June 26, 2001

This may sound a little pointless, but would there be any way of having the icons on the launchbar change on rollover (just on the launchbar and not on the menus)?? Would this give too much overhead in any icon cache you use ??
OK. I try to make this feature. It looks funny Smile

Quote:Also if you were to have the dial up networking folder present on the bar, would there be a way to change the icon to show that one DUN connection was running ??
This is more difficultly but posible Smile (I think...)