Now that TLB is becoming very powerful with many options I think Ikonboard should create one forum that allow Graphics.
I think uploading screen examples is a quick way to see an example of a suggestions or problems.
All you can do is upload the image to your site.. and use Ikonboard's image codes to display it.
I run a couple vBulletin Boards, and those allow this image upload to the board/server..,

But vBulletin is 赀 + ฮ/year.. as to Ikonboard is FREE.
(Edited by Eric J Johnson at 3:45 am on Sep. 14, 2001)
Yes. I see now. Perhaps that is enough.
Anyway I will use this tecnique to display the following
I wish TLB could have a option to display system settings such as below
This would be helpful when debugging and making report to Mr. Kobets.
(Edited by cmishima at 6:18 pm on Sep. 14, 2001)
(Edited by cmishima at 6:18 pm on Sep. 14, 2001)
Ok, next version will comes with system info tab.