Tordex Community
list of last used programs - Windows doesn´t put them into that list - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: list of last used programs - Windows doesn´t put them into that list (/thread-130.html)

- Eric J Johnson - 11-09-2001

This was posted over at the FAQ... So I moved it here...

From: Marcus
Hi TLB Developers,

if you press the Start button in Windows XP, it shows a list of last used programs. I just noticed, that if you start the programs with TrueLaunchbar, Windows doesn´t put them into that list. I don´t know, if it´s a big deal to implement this feature.
Maybe some day?


- Ustas - 11-09-2001

Ok, I try to add this feature.
I now worknig under compatibility with XP. The next version will support native XP skins for buttons. (WindowBlins users will can see the buttons skinable Smile)