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Show Tile - Learn - Printable Version

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- Eric J Johnson - 12-14-2001

I wish True Launch Bar would remember the 'Show Title' setting...
I sometimes move toolbars around.
Well if you Remove the True Launch Bar toolbar for any amount of time, when you bring it back it always shows the title.
This has been happing for a long time, just never really annoyed me that much to pester you with it. Smile
But it does get annoying at times.

So hopefully this can be fixed.

- Ustas - 12-14-2001

Settings|General options|Do not show toolbar title
If this option is on the title wil never shows again for this toolbar.

- Eric J Johnson - 12-14-2001

*kicks self* hehe, guess I should run through all the new settings. Have not checked them out in a long time.

Sorry for my stupid question (lol)

- cmishima - 12-15-2001

Can True Launch Bar control the ALWAYS ON TOP function?

I use a second toolbar at the top of my screen. Sometimes if that toolbar has been closed (which then involves making it again by moving the main True Launch Bar) ALWAYS ON TOP is forgotten.

It would be nice to have this setting remembered.

Perhaps a better solution is to have Mr. Freeman's idea of 'tear off' toolbars.

- cmishima - 12-23-2001

I am Bumping this thread up.

- Ustas - 12-23-2001

Unfortunately TLB cannot control ALWAYS ON TOP function. This is the Windows work Sad
I try to make something with this feature and with 'tear off'. But it will be not standard feature.