Started by Gizz

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Junior Member

6 posts 1 threads Joined: Sep 2006
10-04-2006, 11:40 AM -
I have only one question - do need someone plugin for ICQ???
Never trust me...

135 posts 11 threads Joined: May 2005
10-04-2006, 03:11 PM -
Plugin for Trillian would be cool but probably Gaim, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://gaim.sourceforge.net">http://gaim.sourceforge.net</a><!-- m --> would be better since it's open source.
Jeremy K Dickinson
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tordex.com">http://www.tordex.com</a><!-- m -->
Sam Hasler

93 posts 17 threads Joined: Jun 2003
10-05-2006, 09:49 AM -
I think there are far too many people already spending much more time developing irc software than you would be able to spend for you to be able to offer anything new. I think your efforts would be best spent elseware.

Some suggestions for you:
  • Improve the Change Icon dialog's icons library
    • Make the list of libraries easer to get at and switch between so you don't have to keep clicking on the tiny icon. (e.g. a list down the side of the dialog, although some users might not want it visible all the time)
    • Allow manual sorting of the library list so I can put my most used lists first. (or keep track if it and do that automatically)
    • Rename Library
    • Add a feature to search my hard disc for icl's and folders full of icons and offer to create libaries for them.
      (You could limit it to look only at folders that the icons I'm already using in TLB come from to speed it up for those of us who've already done much configuration.)[/list:u]
    • Customisze menu dialog:
      • Add a preview for Docking point and Menu align (I'm always getting confused by these settings and have to come back into the dialog several times to get it how I want it)
      • In fact, there are many settings that don't make sense (e.g. Right-Top & Right-Top) so anything that you can do to make it easier to pick sensible combinations would be welcome.
      • You could even make an interactive preview that allowed you to drag the menu around and it would snap to docking points. (I was thinking of this being an example menu in the dialog, but it could be the actual menu if you can do it.)[/list:u]
      • New Feature that lists dead shortcuts in TLB (shorcuts that lead to programs I've uninstalled) and offers to remove them (I'd want to pick individual icons to remove, there's some I'd want to keep to remind me to reinstall)[/list:u]

        I'm sure I can think of more ideas. I'd be willing to carry on brainstorming any of these ideas if it would help.
Junior Member

6 posts 1 threads Joined: Sep 2006
10-05-2006, 10:12 AM -
Thanks for your suggestions.
Never trust me...
Sam Hasler

93 posts 17 threads Joined: Jun 2003
10-05-2006, 12:46 PM -
Ok, here's another. And this is one I'd really want.

I was just reading this post on Google's blog about Google Gadgets for your webpage and I was wondering if it would be possable for you to integrate this into TLB?

I could use Google Desktop but I just uninstalled it because I didn't like the way it's icon was stuck in the taskbar, the sidebar opened and closed too slowly & wasn't as configurable as I'd hoped, and I found I wasn't using the search feature (I'm obsessive about where I save things so I don't usually lose files). but this has left me missing some of those cool gadgets like the google calendar viewer.

If you can't do all gadgets I'd still appreciate a google calendar plugin for TLB. I'm sure there are many other web services you could write plugins for.

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