03-14-2008, 06:48 AM -
Quote:Q1 - I added a new menu using predefined, My Recent Documents. When I open it, the list is huge! It contains lots of folders and dozens of documents I've used going back weeks.It is possible to use the TLB filters to customize this menu. Right-click in the menu select "Customize menu", Then "Filtering folders" tab at the left side of the dialog box. Set the option "Files modified during last" into the number of days you want to see the history.
To hide the folders set the option "Files mask to show" into
This will show the files with extensions only. No shortcuts to the folders.
Quote:Q2 - I tried it again wanting to add it as a sub-menu to another one I have. This time it ended up on the task bar not the menu, so I moved it over. Now it only has 3 items in it: namespace.fld, setup.ini, tlbdata.xmlI guess you moved the virtual folder into other virtual folder. Just delete the menu with namespace.fld etc. and create it again.
Quote:Q3 - in all cases when I right click and choose properties (trying to change the size of the icons) I get a windows dialog like I'd get for the properties of a windows short cut - not the TLB properties.Right-click the button the select Appearance->Change Icon