01-10-2009, 07:14 PM -
Zouden Wrote:Hmmm, I can't get TLB to work in Windows 7 build 7000 (the public beta). It installs okay, and I can right click and go Toolbars > True Launch Bar, but nothing happens. When I right-click again and go back to Toolbars, TLB is unticked again.
ie, Win7 supports custom toolbars, but not TLB yet. Hopefully it's not too hard to fix!
Win7 is nice, but I don't like the new taskbar. I'm hoping I can use TLB to replicate the functionality of the old taskbar. This could be a major selling point for future versions! There'll be many, many people looking for a way to get the old-style taskbar back when Win7 is properly released.
I am running Windows 7 Build 7000 and True Launch Bar is working great!
Not sure why you are having issues getting it to work.