Container Plugin Suggestion
Started by casmang

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7 posts 4 threads Joined: Feb 2005
02-28-2005, 10:03 AM -
Hi Everyone, I just purchased TLB and am having a good time customizing it to my needs. Here is an example of my quicklaunch popup menu:


My suggestion is for a plugin that would create a bucket of sorts or a container that holds shortcuts. You would be able to specifiy the width and height of this container and it would show up in the window just as the shortcuts do, or the volume does, but it would simple be a frame that shows icons(from a sub folder or something) in a manner not related to the menu it is on (small icons, icons with text, just text...etc).

For instance, if you look at my screenshot under Utilities, and after the winamp shortcut, if I wanted to put a container there, I could then have 4 other shortcuts, as small icons, next to it..

Or, for instance, I have my menu set up for a width of 5 colums, but along the bottom of my menu you an see I have small icons. Well, once I get to 5 small icons along the bottom, the next one will wrap, but I would like to have the small icons go all the way across the bottom. So, If we had a container or bucket that held icons and I could just have that along the bottom and specify the width of it to fill up the menu, and put the small icons inside the container.

boy, I hope that made sense. Please let me know what you guys think of the idea Smile

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
TrueLaunch Version 3.2.4 beta

Messages In This Thread
Container Plugin Suggestion - by casmang - 02-28-2005, 10:03 AM

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