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Use this with Weather Monitor and beware of any status change to Homeland Security Advisory System.
Conditions are:
Low risk = Blue
Guarded Condition= Green
Elevated Condition = Yellow
High Condition = Orange
Servere Condition = Red
Well you never know?
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Just testing the file attachment thing, sorry
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Ok here's the zip. Use this URL to add in the URL and the providersdhs.ini file goes into the Providers Directory.
Have fun, it's a good little learning curve. Enjoy. Oh i like 24x24 icons, they're much more pleasant. : )
Don't download this one!! Half works
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Updated, I messed up by calling it Home Security Advisory System when it is in fact:
Homeland Security Advisory System
Don't download again!!!
ImbalancedZero -
What an excellent idea! You Yanks think up quite a bit of good ideas!
One thing, though - you should post this on the skin library page found here.
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I would if i knew how, i don't know which files to post when it asks.
It asks for the skin file and then the image
What does this mean?
Does it mean skin.ini then background.png?
Or just send the zip where it asks for the skin file?
I'm English by the way!
ImbalancedZero Wrote:I would if i knew how, i don't know which files to post when it asks.
It asks for the skin file and then the image
What does this mean?
Does it mean skin.ini then background.png?
Or just send the zip where it asks for the skin file?
I'm English by the way! Well actually we have never posted a skin there before so we yield to the experienced!
Also - sorry about the Yank designation! Visions of Tom Ridge flashed into the head!
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Eventually got there in the end, Submitting is a case of zipping the files and adding a preview.
I've made another updated as i named one of the files providersdhs.ini instead of providerdhs.ini.
I think i've rectified the situation now, sometimes i had to change the icon from the change icon menu.
Don't download!! Yet another mistake - Look on paged 2 for the fixed version!!
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Hehe. I think i can just about cope with the Yank mislabelling.
I'm thinking about working on a Sports Results plugin based on the Weather Monitor. But I'm trying to work out how to search and sort the team names.
I don't think it would be easy!
For Sports scores you may wish to check this page. There are similiar pages to be found as well, we believe.
Success! Please see below.
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Excellent News, i'm glad you've managed to get it working, I was going a bit mad!! i've made your toolbar a state. Shame I didn't make it a 32 icon :p
Our plug-ins are 50 high.
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Finally a fixed version!!