Started by texx

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Junior Member

1 posts 1 threads Joined: Jan 2006
01-07-2006, 07:01 PM -
hey! while working on a skin I found out something annoying:

I wanted the zodiac sign to be visible above the moon, so both images have the same coordinates. but obviously tlbMoon draws the zodiac first and then the moon phase - making it impossible for the zodiac sign to be visible above the moon.

is it possible that there will be a change where the moon phase will be drawn first? if so please let me know!

thx in advance
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01-08-2006, 06:35 AM -
You can customise the skin and provider files to have the Zodiac parsed first and the moon phase second if you wish but that will not fulfill any gain. What you can do is change the skin settings so the Zodiac appears at the spot in the plugin that you desire and have the moon phase appear below or elsewhere as you wish. Please refer to the second post on this page for more details.
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