I use TLB RC 1 (64 bit) on Windows 10.
Suddenly, my torn off menus move around the screen. For example, I have a Windows List torn-off menu that I sit at the bottom of my monitor #3. It is pinned there. But if I click on anything in any TLB toolbar, that menu suddenly moves up to about 1/3 of the way down from the top of that monitor. To get it back to the bottom, I have to unpin it, move it to the bottom, and pin it again. But if I again click on anything in any TLB toolbar, that menu suddenly makes the same move back to 1/3 from the top of the monitor.
I might have fixed this. Using Customize Menu, I changed the docking point to default. Also, when I moved the menu back to the bottom of the screen, I used Ctrl-mouse. It seems to be staying put down there for now.
This post was last modified: 10-18-2017, 05:31 PM by danmeek.
I have installed TLB 7.4 and rebooted. This problem is not solved. Torn off menus jump around the screen and cannot be placed where I want them. They also refuse to be docked to the bottom of the screen.
The torn-off menus can be successfully docked to the side of a screen but not to the bottom or top. When I try to dock it there, it suddenly moves to a different monitor.
Also, if the menu is set to auto-hide, I often cannot get it to with the mouse, after invoking it from the toolbar. It disappears too fast, and I see no way to change that.
Also, even when docked to the side and set to Always on Top, it still appears below the windows of programs on the screen. It does not go on Top.
This post was last modified: 07-12-2018, 02:13 PM by danmeek.
For some reason, I can now dock torn-off menus to the bottom of the screen. The remaining problem is that Always on Top does not work. Even with it set to Always on Top, the menu opens under any program window and thus is often invisible.
I've reproduced the problem with docking menus. The fixed version will be published soon.
Quote:The remaining problem is that Always on Top does not work. Even with it set to Always on Top, the menu opens under any program window and thus is often invisible.
What windows version do you use?
Sorry to say that the torn-off menus again cannot be docked at the bottom of the screen without moving around. Docking on the side works.
Strangely, "always on top" is now working.
And now "always on top" is again not working for torn-off menus.
If the torn-off menu is docked, it "displays" under any running program and are thus often not visible.
If the torn-off menu is not docked, then it displays over any running program. that is good. But the toolboar from which the menu originated also simultaneously displays, over any running program, which I do not want.
This post was last modified: 10-28-2018, 05:33 PM by danmeek.
And now even non-docked torn-off menus, set to be Always on Top, are covered up by any Windows program.
Looks like something removes on-top flag for menu windows. Is the menu become after on-off "Always on Top" option?
I do not understand your question.
Sorry.  If you right-click torn off menu you see the option "Always on Top" is on, but menu can be covered by other programs. If you tun off "Always on Top" and turn on it again (without closing menu) is this fixes "always on top" state?
Although I have changed nothing, the torn-off menus are now staying on top, except after they auto-hide. After that, the tag does not appear and the menu does not appear over programs.
I did change the Always on Top setting by setting it to no and then back to yes. That seems to solve the problem, at least temporarily.
This post was last modified: 12-29-2018, 03:22 PM by danmeek.