Menu Conflict with the TLB Host & standard TLB
Started by Gbit

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11 posts 6 threads Joined: May 2009
02-17-2010, 12:49 PM -

I Have a minor problem that has been going on thru a number of versions. It involves having a "Tear-Off" menu open (not auto-close) from a standard TLB (quick launch type) toolbar and then opening a menu from a standalone TLB Host toolbar.
It seems that when 2 menus are open at the same time one each from the two different apps... its crashes the TLB Host app. It is resolved by starting the TLB Host again and things are fine, but a bit of a pane.

My Windows XP Home (SP3) PC is setup with virtual desktops (not TLB's). I have a large number of standard TLB toolbars assigned to each of the Desktops and other autohide standalone TLB toolbars that pop-out via hotkeys and even tear-off menus from both apps that pop-up via hotkeys. There are 10 different standalone toolbars and some 18+ standard toolbars. Sounds crazy, but it actual works pretty cool with a multi-monitor, multi virtual desktop environment, that only has one or two toolbars showing at any given time. I have been running this configuration for over 2 years along with a number of other Explorer integrated apps and it all works 99% perfect. This minor issue is one thing that keeps it from being 100%.

I realize that it may be a conflict with any one of these other apps, but I thought I would mention it, since you might be able to reproduce it in your environment.

Like I said, it is a minor problem that only seems to happen when I forget to close a menu and then open another one using the other TLB app.
True Launch Bar is truly a great application that has allow me to customize things so they are very specific to the many different tasks I have to do each day. And one of the best things about it is how well it works with everything else I run.

If you want to know what the other interacting apps are....? Let me know.

Looking forward to what you might find. Thanks

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