Integration with Klipfolio
Started by jgallen

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4 posts in this topic

80 posts 27 threads Joined: Dec 2001
06-04-2003, 09:00 PM -
If you haven't checked out this program yet, you should. It's called Klipfolio and it's a great free up-to-date news/sports/anything. You can get it here:

I think it would be awesome if there was a way to integrate the two together, because I think these two programs are probably (next to trillian) my most used programs on my computer.

Anybody else think this would be a cool idea?

111 posts 17 threads Joined: Feb 2003
06-05-2003, 03:52 PM -
Looks kinda handy. Just like the weather monitor
plugin could be.

It would be great to have it in True Launch Bar.
The KlipFolio is a nightmare for positioning on my
desktop. In any position, it covers something.
Especially the L shaped bar.

I'm not sure about 'integrating' KlipFolio though.
To get that effect, I think a plugin would have to be
written from scratch, emulating every function.

Junior Member

4 posts 1 threads Joined: Oct 2004
10-11-2004, 01:14 PM -
I agree. Gimme klipfolio. gimme, gimme, gimme
If you can't join em, beat them!
Senior Member

458 posts 40 threads Joined: Dec 2003
10-11-2004, 02:42 PM -
Integration of KlipFolio is unlikely to happen although Yuri is the man to definitively answer that question. The Universal Data Fetcher plugin will, when released, be able to pull in data from multiple sources and in multiple formats. 8)

Having said that, I do use Klipfolio to fetch new posts from these forums now that we have RSS. You can get it running too. Here's how:
  1. Download this RSS Feedviewer Klip.
  2. Right click your new Klip and enter the details as shown below:
    [Image: RSSklip.jpg]
  3. Click Close and the forums posts should appear in the Klip
The suggested feed refresh time of 30 minutes is the absolute minimum refresh rate you should use to read the feeds.

You can also get RSS feeds for an individual forum by using the f parameter. For example would return the posts from the General Discussion forum. The forums are numbered as follows:

True Launch Bar
1 - General Discussion
2 - Features Discussion
3 - Bugs
4 - Localization

True Launch Bar plugins
10 - Plugin features and improvements
8 - Suggestions for new plugins
9 - Plugins bugs

True Small Tools
7 - General Discussion
5 - Suggestions
6 - Bugs

As you can see, the forum numbers are all over the place. This is a legacy we've inherited from the previous forum software!

Have fun!
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