tlbHost, Windows Taskbar, and blend
Started by sitefox

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02-23-2007, 02:07 AM -
First, my compliments. Rarely have I found software as well written and open ended as the launch bar - great job!

Now I've got an interesting request. I have no real reason to ask for it, other than it's super-sweet.

I run tlbHost, set autohide to blend, and stack it over my windows taskbar with 0 pixels hotspot. It fades in over the taskbar when I mouse to the bottom of the screen, and fades away when I leave. Its really cool.

The problem is it only does it most time time. I think taskbar and tlbHost are taking turns (so to speak) with who's topmost, so sometimes tlb will pop - sometimes not. Anything we can do to make it work consistently?

Messages In This Thread
tlbHost, Windows Taskbar, and blend - by sitefox - 02-23-2007, 02:07 AM
[No subject] - by jkdclick - 02-23-2007, 01:34 PM

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