02-24-2009, 02:41 AM -
Quote:forgive my saying so, but i dont think they should have been hidden in the first place. if they were and this is correct then at least when i expanded the title they should have returned.Please can you give me a step-by-step instruction (maybe with the screenshots) how to reproduce the bug. Generally if you collapse the separator - items become hidden. If you delete or disable the collapsing TLB restore the hidden items. Maybe items remain hidden on some conditions. But I can't to find these conditions

Quote:i just moved it (Address Book) from one 'Standalone TLB' to another and in this process all the titles disappeared. when i move them back after recreating the titles on the new TLB the second title moves one down. is this maybe because menu information is only saved with toolbars. it is very frustrating to loose all formatting when you just want to move a menu to a new toolbar.Yes, you are right. I'll try to solve this problem in the next version.
Quote:i include here a screenshot of what happened when i added the titles again on the new TLB. can you please tell me why the expand icon is so far to the left on the right-hand image. i checked to ensure both TLB's settings are the same.What skin do you use? Please can you send me a backup of the toolbar? I can't to reproduce the bug on my side. Maybe this depends of some your settings.