08-18-2010, 02:01 AM -
Quote:I've found out why:Thank you. Now I see. I'll try to fix this problem.
If I drag exe file to menu and drop, it copies exe file to that folder;
If I drag it to menu and wait for right-hand-side droplist to appear and drop it there, a shortcut is created;
If I drag it to root, a shortcut is created.
Quote:BTW, can I move this folder to somewhere else , say D:\ ?Yes. TLB Settings->Toolbars or TLB Settings->Options->Toolbars in version 4.4.13, create there the toolbar with the other folder. Copy the content of C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch in to your folder. The right-click the TLB select Switch Toolbar submenu and select your toolbar.
C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
Other way: hold down CTRL+SHIFT key when you open TLB and it will ask you for folder.