Six wishes for TLB - My best suggestions
Started by cmishima

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347 posts 138 threads Joined: Jun 2001
09-11-2001, 05:06 PM -
1. Improve Email notify.

-After clicking on email notify icon Mail list should automatically show *all* mail in *all* accounts. User should NOT need select mailbox from drop down menu and click check. Best example is MAGIC MAIL MONITOR see

-In Mail list user should be able to double click on mail message to QUICK VIEW entire message (including headers) in Wordpad as quick way to read. See action of MAGIC MAIL MONITOR

-In Mail list user should be able to right click and have context menu to DELETE MESSAGE on server before DL. See action of MAGIC MAIL MONITOR
This is very useful because user can delete VIRUS before downloading to local machine.

2. Allow setup of password before launching of certain shortcuts (Click - enter password - program launches)

3. Allow option for making two-column display for folders with many items

4. Add CHECK FOR NEW VERSION on settings menu

5. In Windows some programs can run multiple copies of the same program (example MS Word) Some programs will only run one copy of the same program (example Outlook Express) I think TLB should control if program can run multiple times. Default should be to only allow one copy to run with user option to allow multiple copies to run.

If option is to set to only allow one copy then by hovering on TLB icon user can quickly switch the focus from program to program of multiple programs that are running instead of clicking on the task bar. This is very helpful indeed

6. Please add UNINSTALL button onto Settings|About screen
Please read the True Launch Bar FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
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Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by cmishima - 09-11-2001, 05:06 PM
[No subject] - by Eric J Johnson - 09-11-2001, 05:14 PM

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