[help] Skinning Media Control Plugin
Started by Unbeliever

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241 posts 57 threads Joined: Jan 2004
11-11-2004, 07:43 AM -
ok, i haven't had much time working with 4.2's code so i am basing this code from the iTuned skin.

For the version= line, use "2" as any other number i tried did not work.
As for background= there must be a filename here otherwise it all goes haywire even when i tried to use just a plain transparent .png it did not look good

now for the easier part the [item]s
type= - (button & roller) are the two things that can be here, for what you showed, you will ony need to use button
command= - this defines what type of button/roller to show, there is many commands that can be put here, but you will only need three : playpause(for this you will need extra linesdetails further down) , prev, next
rect= - the first two numbers define where the topLH corner will s start, the second two numbers are where the bottom right corner will be
state#= - this is needed for the playpause command state0 is the default
font, color, align are only needed for text

As for button images they must show the different states in the one image on top of each other :
[Image: threestate.png]
the disabled image is not necessary to my knowledge
they also must all be the same size and for playpuse, they must be next to each other like in the image ^

all in all your .ini file might look like this :
SkinName = Unbeleiever's Skin
Author = Unbeleiver

background = bg.png

rect=12 34 56 78

rect=12 34 56 78

rect=12 34 56 78

PS. if this sounded like too much rambling sorry but its 3am here ](*,) also someone with more intelligence please correct any errors there may be #-o

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by ozxar - 11-11-2004, 07:43 AM
[No subject] - by Unbeliever - 11-11-2004, 01:47 PM
[No subject] - by Q Section - 11-11-2004, 05:34 PM
[No subject] - by Unbeliever - 11-12-2004, 03:08 AM

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