New user praise - First view rant
Started by Anam Cara

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Anam Cara

107 posts 43 threads Joined: Aug 2004
08-03-2004, 04:23 PM -
After being a subscriber to Stardock's ODNT program (A by year subscription to a bunch of programs such as WindowFX, Windowblinds, ObjectBar et.c.) I found a link to True Launch Bar in one of their newsgroups, and I have to say I am astonished. The program is:

- Stable
- Easy to use
- Not a memory hog

This goes against most of what Stardock has released and I am both happy to have found this program as well as miffed at Stardock. (I am _not_ resubscribing.)

Thank you! I had my bar set up in no time, it looks great and just works.

The irony: Stardock's OBjectDock + has pop-up menus and they can't get skinned by Windowblinds. TLB can be skinned by it Smile.

swedone skindesign
Junior Member

11 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2004
08-04-2004, 10:02 AM -
You are absolutely right, Anam Cara, TLB is perfect.
Maybe you found the link on Wincustomize in one of the posts or skins I have submitted.
If not, go to the skins section here on TLBConfused page and you will find two skins, Ocean and True Blue,uploaded on Wincustomize, or search Wncustomize for Swedenskins, and you will find it.
They are made to be used with TLB and Windowblinds.
Enjoy. Smile
Anam Cara

107 posts 43 threads Joined: Aug 2004
08-05-2004, 07:03 AM -
Actually someone posted the link to TLB in one of their newsgroups, and I'm sorry but I'm not switching from this skin until someone makes a UIS1 skin that looks as good and has an always-on-top button. Blackcomb all the way =).

Junior Member

6 posts 1 threads Joined: Feb 2004
09-08-2004, 10:32 AM -
Anam Cara Wrote:After being a subscriber to Stardock's ODNT program (A by year subscription to a bunch of programs such as WindowFX, Windowblinds, ObjectBar et.c.) I found a link to True Launch Bar in one of their newsgroups, and I have to say I am astonished. The program is:

- Stable
- Easy to use
- Not a memory hog

This goes against most of what Stardock has released and I am both happy to have found this program as well as miffed at Stardock. (I am _not_ resubscribing.)

Thank you! I had my bar set up in no time, it looks great and just works.

The irony: Stardock's OBjectDock + has pop-up menus and they can't get skinned by Windowblinds. TLB can be skinned by it Smile.

You read my mind! I came to the forum today to confess! Confess that I had sinned and bought ObjectDock and started using it. At first, I liked it and turned off TLB. Then the reality of how buggy OD was, and what a resource hog it was, and how difficult it was to use came to a head today. I turned it off and when back "home" to TLB and it felt soooo good! TLB is fast, solid and my "must have" tool.
Smile Smile Smile
Anam Cara

107 posts 43 threads Joined: Aug 2004
10-15-2004, 08:54 AM -
I am still watching the newsgroup for Object Dock, just to see how much it crashes. Funny, that seems to be the trend for programs written by Jeff.

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