Weather Monitor Issues - Weather Icons won't show!
Started by sugarprincess

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37 posts 6 threads Joined: Jan 2003
08-18-2004, 03:53 PM -
Okay, I'm game. But not's my 3-year anniversary! Wink
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
08-18-2004, 07:30 PM -
sugarprincess's my 3-year anniversary! Wink
Happy third anniversary! May you have many, many more!

We will get back with you later on the Weather Monitor.
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08-19-2004, 04:53 PM -
Thank you, thank you very much. LOL


Okay then. So I went back to Weather Monitor and loaded Yahoo 3-day and this is what I get (no icons, no weather, short forecast) something had to have changed:

[Image: yahoo3day.jpg]

I am using
for zip code 28540.

So I switched to Weather Underground, and this is what I get (icons, weather, and forecast, but wrong temp):

[Image: weatherunderground.jpg]

You can see it says 23F but it's definitely NOT 23 in North Carolina. The settings are set for F. If I change the settings to Centigrade, the temp changes to-5C:

[Image: weatherunderground2.jpg]

I am using this URL:

So then I tried and this is what I get (no icon, no weather, no forecast):

[Image: weather.jpg]

The URL is:
When I open up "Show Weather Details" from the menu, it tells me the code was loaded at 9:05 and changed at it appears it's updated?!?

HELP! This is enough to drive me insane! Smile
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
08-19-2004, 07:13 PM -
There are a few things that come to mind. First why not go to Start>Settings>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs and find Weather Monitor plugin v1.3Beta and click on Remove. Then reboot the computer.

Next, go here and download again the Weather Monitor (near the page bottom). After you put it in the proper place (for example C:\Windows\Program Files\True Launch Bar\Plugins\Weathermon) then you can click on the exe file and re-install it.

After you have done this, reboot. When your computer is back up right-click anywhere on the TLB and select New>Weather Monitor and try setting it up again. Choose the Skin and Provider file. Then click on teh double arrow to the right of the Provider section to obtain your parsing page. Make sure you go to the Connections & Units tab to select Fahrenheit and your choice of Pressure units. Also select Check every 10 minutes, your proper connection type and Load values on connect. Now click on OK.

After that go back and right-click on the Weather Monitor and select properties and now add your parameters such as Temperature etc.

By the way - you are using TLB v 3.0, right?

Let us know what has happened by posting here. If necessary we can furnish another custom Provider file for Jacksonville N.C. if you wish.
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
08-19-2004, 07:22 PM -
We just tried creating a WM as indicated above using Weather Underground and the Default 16 (Black Text) and your Postal Code. It works perfectly and shows Fahrenheit as selected.
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2 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2004
08-20-2004, 07:54 AM -
Yahoo 3-day has stopped working for me as well. It seems thier page has been changed. I am not familiar with the Yahoo.ini file but I managed to fumble thru it and change some of the "find" paramaters. Mainly the temps, conditions, icon & future forcasts were not working. i didn't try to fix the 3-day stuff but I got my current ones working. Once I got the conditions right, the icon showed up.

Here are the examples:

Before (parts stopped working):
find0 = "<!--CURCON-->"
find1 = "<!-- teswt -->"
delim = "<"

unit = F
find0 = "<!--CURCON-->"
find1 = "<!-- 22 isn't yahoo a great company to work for? -->"
delim = "<"

unit = F
ValueType = INT
name = High Temperature
find0 = "<!--CURCON-->"
find1 = "Hi:&nbsp;<b>"
delim = "<"

Changes made (things work again):
find0 = "<!--CURCON-->"
find1 = "=2>"
delim = "<"

unit = F
find0 = "<!--CURCON-->"
find1 = "<b>"
delim = "<"

unit = F
ValueType = INT
name = High Temperature
find0 = "<!--CURCON-->"
find1 = "High:</font></td><td align=left width="50%"><font face=Arial size=3><b>"
delim = "<"
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37 posts 6 threads Joined: Jan 2003
08-20-2004, 10:14 AM -
I uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted...and weather underground STILL shows 23F using

[Image: 23f.jpg]

Yahoo is still messed up, but I haven't tried making the changes noted previously.
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2 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2004
08-20-2004, 10:37 AM -
It looks like the WU page has changed since your ini file was made. The 23 is coming from your elevation "23FT". Here is the code:

unit = F
find0 = ">Temperature</td>"
find1 = "<b>"
delim = "<"

a "< b >" code appears before the elevation and after several temperature parameters in the code from WU page.

You can try changing the wunderground.ini file to this:

unit = F
find0 = ">Temperature</td>"
find1 = "<font size=+2 face=arial><b>"
find2 = "<nobr><b>"
delim = "<"
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37 posts 6 threads Joined: Jan 2003
08-20-2004, 10:46 AM -
Thanks, I'll try that.

Edited to add: I tried changing the code for both files as directed...the yahoo one worked wonderfully. I now show 90 degrees...but the weather underground didn't give me a temp at all. But I'm satisfied with getting Yahoo 3-day to work!

Also, sidenote...I have a silly question that I don't even know how to look for an answer for (LOL)... say I want to use a 32 weather icon but only use 16 for the rest of my TLB do I get that to work? I have increased my toolbar so it's two rows high...but my TLB won't go to two just gives me double arrows indicating hidden icons. I'm sure it has to be possible somewhere, I just can't find it or figure it out. I like using a size 32 weather icon, but only need 16 for all my others.

Edited to add: Well, I accidentally got it to work (I was messing around with adding a second TLB), but now the spacing is weird--so you can't see the full icon/text:

[Image: 2row.jpg]

I don't suppose there's any way around this???
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37 posts 6 threads Joined: Jan 2003
08-20-2004, 11:32 AM -
I've tried adding a new toolbar, but it just isn't working. I've posted in another thread about it (here)....but I did accidentally end up with a second toolbar on the top (for weather, drivespace, time, etc.) but I can't make it so it doesn't move. I mean, there is no option to lock the toolbar...which means it can be continually resized--I can make it half my desktop if I want. I don't think I want that. I don't think it's an actual TLB, although I do have TLB plugins on it.

I think I'm just digging myself too deep here. LOL
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
08-20-2004, 09:12 PM -
Hello sugarprincess

Try the provider file posted below for Weather Underground. If you prefer a different provider then let us know and we will make a custom provider file for you.
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2 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2004
08-23-2004, 06:20 AM -
i learned a bit from goober22's tweak of the yahoo weather .ini file and added a few of my own.

the updated .ini file is a lot to paste in to one of these posts but if someone can tell me how to attach a file, i'll send it on up.
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
08-23-2004, 03:41 PM -
Hello madloon
One must register in this forum in order to upload a file. Please register and then post your file. Thank you.

Be seeing you.
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2 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2004
08-23-2004, 05:40 PM -
QSection Wrote:One must register in this forum in order to upload a file. Please register and then post your file. Thank you.
odd morning ... although it would seem otherwise, i was registered and logged in at the time of the earlier message.

this version isn't as complete as the original but provides all of the information i'm interested in.

in case anyone can help, i don't understand how to sequence parameters in the .ini file to effect a more logical output order for weather details and the tooltip.

for example, third day conditions appear before tomorrow conditions and that doesn't really make sense. is it possible to structure the output or is it simply an extension of where the information occurs in the source .html?
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
08-23-2004, 05:53 PM -
Once the WM is installed you can right-click on it and go to Properties. From there you can change the appearance in the tooltips using the left Parameter column and the Up/Down buttons to change the order. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to post.
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