Currency Converter
Started by anthropomorphous

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Junior Member

1 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2004
11-21-2004, 07:12 AM -
I'm currently looking for one of these and thought it would make a good TLB plug-in. I know there are yahoo quotes available via the weather skin but a currency converter would be good.

Features could include:
1. An auto update each day from sources already available on the net.
2. A feature where you only select the source currency and display a conversion for several (customisable) other currencies at the same time and/or preset (customisable) currency conversions between your more popular currencies.
3. Remember last used exchange preferences by default upon launch.

My preferred would be between USD, UKBP and EURO but this could be customised.

Food for thought :?:
swedone skindesign
Junior Member

11 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2004
11-24-2004, 01:21 PM -
Microsoft Calculator Plus, currency converter included.
Here´s the link:

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