Accelerator keys without ALT to execute button
Started by lpg

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3 posts 2 threads Joined: Jun 2004
01-24-2005, 11:34 AM -
Hello everybody,

sorry if this should already be possible. I searched the forum for a while but maybe I'm missing something.

I use the newest beta 3.2.2 and for me as mostly keyboard user the new accelerator keys are almost perfect. What I'm missing is something like an autoexecute setting for a button when selected with the keyboard. I know I can achive this with ALT+key, with key + Enter or with a hotkey but it would be great if this could be made with just a single keypress when a menu is open.

I think of something like a "autexecute" option in the button properties dialog so this could be set per button or an option "use defined accelerator key without pressing alt". Another good idea to achive this is the way FolderExpress <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> does it: It adds [0]-[9] and [a]-[z] in front of the first up to 36 entries in every of his menus. With this it is very comfortable and fast to navigate through menus.

But Yuri it is already great what you did with this terrific piece of software. Many thanks for it!

Kind Regards,

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