Windows Key - D issue
Started by hareball82

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Junior Member

6 posts 3 threads Joined: Jan 2002
01-29-2002, 08:00 PM -
Pressing the windows key followed by D (to minimize all windows and take me straight to my desktop) causes the truelaunchbar (that i have setup as a toolbar docked at the top of the screen) to disappear. The toolbar does not come back until i press windows-D again. Any idea as to what is causing this? I'm running WinXP Pro. and TLB v I have tried to recreate the same results with the built-in quicklaunchbar, but it does not occur.

Another issue: the "Always on Top" feature doesn't seem to work. It works, but then it doesn't. For example, when i open some windows, they appear behind the bar. Is there anyway to dock the toolbar like AOL Instant Messenger does? Aim takes control of that area and i guess "shrinks" the desktop, so apps thing the desktop is smaller than it actually is. I know this was brought up before, but i was just tossing the aim-like docking idea out there.

This is a wonderful product. In my opinion it is one of the best products out there for windows. Keep up the good work. Smile
Junior Member

6 posts 3 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-04-2002, 08:36 PM -
anyone have ANY post has been here for a while...yet there has been no reply....yet other, NEWER bu reports have been answered.... i was just trying to help...geez... :angry:

93 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2001
02-04-2002, 11:17 PM -
Until the latest update, I couldn't recreate the alt-d thing. I can (occasionaly) now. Most of the time things hide/restore just fine, but sometimes my TLB vanishes also.

Re: the "always on top" thing (AOT from now on), I've see this also. Can't find any rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes TLB stays AOT, sometimes it doesn't (while the tick mark is always set for AOT in prefs)

Wish I could find a way to recreate these repeatably.

BTW, I'm using a dual monitor setup, don't know if that's common to you or not. No toolbars at all on the secondary monitor though. Win2k, sp2, IE6.

Hopefully Yuri can fix this at some point.

Senior Member

347 posts 138 threads Joined: Jun 2001
02-05-2002, 03:56 PM -
I'm sorry Mr. Hareball82 but I cannot test your problem because I do not have WINDOWS Key on my keyboard. Also it's takes time for others to test and respond. Please be patient
Please read the True Launch Bar FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
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Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-05-2002, 04:15 PM -
Win+D works like Show desktop button. We already discuss this problem (but with button). I do not control this function. Windows itself decides when hide/show toolbar. TLB only draw buttons inside window it get from system.
Win+D hides MS Quick Launch as well as TLB (with same AOT option).

BTW Happy birthday hareball82 :p

Edited By Yuri Kobets on Feb. 05 2002 at 17:17
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-05-2002, 05:26 PM -
Just found solve for this problem. Look here;Q182472
This is about Always On Top feature but works with Win+D (Show Desktop). You need to turn off Active Desktop:

Turn Off the Active Desktop
To turn off the Active Desktop, right-click an empty area on the desktop, point to Active Desktop on the shortcut menu, and then click to clear the check mark from View As Web Page.
Junior Member

6 posts 3 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-09-2002, 07:39 AM -
Yuri Kobets Wrote:Win+D works like Show desktop button. We already discuss this problem (but with button). I do not control this function. Windows itself decides when hide/show toolbar. TLB only draw buttons inside window it get from system.
Win+D hides MS Quick Launch as well as TLB (with same AOT option).

BTW Happy birthday hareball82 :p
cool. thanks man!

Any idea how one turns of (can you?) Active Desktop in winxp (is it even in XP?). I'm pretty sure i don't have it on...

Oh, and sorry about complaining about the reaction time to my bad. Sad
Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
02-09-2002, 04:44 PM -
On Win 2000 the last menu items is named Show Web Content. Unfortunately I cannot startup under WinXP currently but it must have same menu item.
If you can install True Launch Bar you have Active Desktop too Smile
Junior Member

49 posts 10 threads Joined: Dec 2001
02-09-2002, 06:50 PM -
WinXP doesn't have the same menu item. The way you turn off active desktop in XP is to go to Run/gpedit.msc and go to Administrative Templates/Desktop (Or something like that...I'm not running XP right now)...and turn Enable Active Desktop to "Disabled". I think this only works on the professional version of XP...I don't think home version has gpedit.

93 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2001
02-09-2002, 08:50 PM -
The downside to turning off Active Desktop/Show Web Content (at least it's a downside for me) is that I run with all desktop icons hidden, turning off active desktop reveals them all again. Sad

Personally, I don't like icons all over my desktop (that's why I have TLB after all!!!) I got used to no icons on the desktop when I was running NeXtStep & have like it that way ever since! Now that was an operating system!!! ...but I digress.

BTW Yuri, just wanted to say that I think it's awesome that you continued to search for a solution even though it's not TLB's problem!! TLB is truly a well supported application!

Junior Member

49 posts 10 threads Joined: Dec 2001
02-09-2002, 10:20 PM -
You can turn of Active Desktop and still keep all the icons off by downloading the microsoft powertoys for windows xp...and using Tweak UI for XP....there are options in there to keep all icons off of the desktop.

Now, this only works on XP....any other version of the OS (9X or Win2k)...this doesn't work.

93 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2001
02-09-2002, 11:08 PM -
Thanks for the suggestion. I should have stated that I'm running win2k sp2.


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