Tordex Wheel 1.0
Started by Yuri Kobets

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18 posts in this topic
Junior Member

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2006
04-21-2006, 12:37 AM -
Great tool, it works even better in several apps than the ancient "FreeWheel" that I've been using so far!

However, there's one thing in conjunction with other mouse tools such as StrokeIt and Volumouse that I'd like to be changed Smile: the combination of clicking and holding a mouse button (left or right) and scrolling the wheel – common gestures I've grown used to – is handled exclusively by Tordex Wheel and not passed on to the other tools. Could you change that behavior (maybe optionally, if you/others wouldn't like it that way), please? :notworthy:
Junior Member

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2006
04-26-2006, 03:53 AM -
I'd like to add that aforementioned button+scroll issue is not just a convenience issue for me with the other tools, it's also a problem with drag&drop in Windows Explorer (with the tree view on the left):
If you drag one or more files over a large (expanded) tree view, with your desired destination folder out of view, and you start scrolling the wheel, the mouse button gets (treated as) released, i.e. the files drop to wherever the cursor happened to hover - certainly not a desired behavior...
Junior Member

18 posts 5 threads Joined: Feb 2005
01-13-2011, 04:55 AM -
unexpected, and awesome. thank you

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