Switch "theme" according to system settings
Started by nonhocapito

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Junior Member

24 posts 8 threads Joined: Jul 2010
02-19-2025, 10:06 PM -
I have a script which very conveniently switches theme and desktop slideshows for my system automatically at sunset/sunrise times.

However there doesn't seem a way to programmatically do that with True Launch Bar. 

When the theme changes, the menu backgrounds or colors stay the same, light or dark (even if the menu colors are untouched and thus taken from the system).

I do realize TLB is not being developed anymore (I think), so I am not asking for a new feature - only a little guidance in how to implement a script that may achieve this functionality.

Personally, I don't use skins, only colors, but I suppose I could have two skins ready that reflect the dark/light system colors.

Then I could create a PowerShell script to: 

  1) edit the setting file(s) that indicate which skin is being used; 
  2) restart explorer so that the background colors of the menus visually changes.

Is this possible?


Is it possible to create a skin that only affects colors, without bothering with images? Is there an example somewhere?

Which files need to be modified to switch skin via script?

This post was last modified: 02-19-2025, 10:18 PM by nonhocapito.
Junior Member

24 posts 8 threads Joined: Jul 2010
02-25-2025, 01:32 AM -
For those interested, I have satisfactorily solved this problem by altering the settings in `<user>\AppData\Roaming\Tordex\True Launch Bar\settings\setup.ini` via script. 

This allows for the TLB menus to switch between no color applied (light theme) to dark colors (dark theme), at the same time when such system theme changes.

The full code of my auto theme switcher can be found here: https://github.com/unalignedcoder/auto-theme

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