launching web shortcuts
Started by CaptTrips

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Junior Member

2 posts 1 threads Joined: Jun 2002
06-29-2002, 05:15 AM -
I have a shortcut to a web page in a truelaunch menu. When I click on it to launch it, it takes up to 30-60 sec to appear, and while it is waiting, the explorer.exe process is pegged up at 90-100%.

If I take the same shortcut off the menu and drop it on my desktop, it loads immediately when dblclicked. Put it back on the truelaunch bar, and it is slow again.

Anyone else experience a problem like this?

I am using 1.2.2 RC1 beta on Windows XP.

I can reproduce the problem at will...I will try reinstalling and see if it clears up.

Junior Member

2 posts 1 threads Joined: Jun 2002
06-29-2002, 06:39 AM -
ok...more information to add...

I uninstalled the 1.2.2 rc1, rebooted, and installed the release version...same problem.

If I copy the web shortcut to the bar, not in a menu/folder, it pops up immediately when dblclicked every time, but the one in the menu still hesitates.

If I open the QuickLaunch folder where the shortcuts are stored and go to the folder with the web shortcut and run it from there, it works correctly.

This machine is freshly installed 2 days ago with all XP updates...could Microsoft have updated something that would cause this behavior? This used to work fine up until lately.

Anyone have any ideas? Or am I the only one who has this problem?


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