Make TLB skins fit to Windows 7 Taskbar
Started by ThaNiTeHawK

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Junior Member

11 posts 6 threads Joined: Dec 2004
06-28-2010, 08:16 AM -

Windows 7 has several standard colours to choose.
Would be awesome if TLB just detects the choosen colour and preferences and takes them over.
So TLB menu colour would always fit to the Windows Taskbar.

Junior Member

3 posts 1 threads Joined: Aug 2010
08-07-2010, 09:22 AM -
I'd also like to see that, plus the TLB buttons and plugins like Command Line to stretch vertically to fill the height of the taskbar. there is a gap at the bottom of some, and if you try to increase the size of the icons to match Win7, it increases the height of the taskbar.

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