True Launch Bar v5.1
Started by Yuri Kobets

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Yuri Kobets
Posting Freak

6,208 posts 429 threads Joined: Jan 2002
12-06-2010, 02:43 PM -
True Launch Bar v5.1 released.

Changes since version 5.0:

What's new:
* Tear Off menu by dragging caption can be turned off
* Improved skins rendering performance
* Added the "Torn Paper" skin (can be used with simple menu transparency)

* Impossible to open the first or the last submenus during drag&drop
* Incorrect menu items right margin
* Menu "jumps" when dragging caption to tear off menu
* Separators are invisible when WindowBlinds is active
* Possible hangs on menu open
* Resource leaks on Windows XP
* Incorrect icons after refresing toolbar/menu on Windows XP
* Impossible to skin the caption buttons with two states
* Some minor bugs fixed


Here the screenshot of the new Torn Paper skin:

[Image: torn-paper.jpg]

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