09-06-2002, 09:51 AM -
We want to help you use True Launch Bar as best you can. Help us.
1. Make sure you research your question before you ask. Read the
True Launch Bar FAQ and search this forum *before* you ask any question; it saves everybody's time.
2. Write a good subject line, one that describes your question in detail; it will do a better job of attracting the people that know the answer. "Please Read This" and "I Need Help" are NOT good subject lines!
3. Take the time to make your post readable. Make sure you capitalize properly and use proper punctuation. Don't use slang or too many abbreviations. Look up the spelling of the words. Etc., etc...
4. Read over your post before you hit "submit" to make sure it makes sense.
5. *Always* include your full system details such as WINDOWS version, True Launch Bar version etc.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for writing a good post!
Edited By Yuri Kobets on Jan. 28 2004 at 10:29

1. Make sure you research your question before you ask. Read the
True Launch Bar FAQ and search this forum *before* you ask any question; it saves everybody's time.
2. Write a good subject line, one that describes your question in detail; it will do a better job of attracting the people that know the answer. "Please Read This" and "I Need Help" are NOT good subject lines!
3. Take the time to make your post readable. Make sure you capitalize properly and use proper punctuation. Don't use slang or too many abbreviations. Look up the spelling of the words. Etc., etc...
4. Read over your post before you hit "submit" to make sure it makes sense.
5. *Always* include your full system details such as WINDOWS version, True Launch Bar version etc.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for writing a good post!
Edited By Yuri Kobets on Jan. 28 2004 at 10:29