Hiding icon on task bar
Started by Howard

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1 posts 1 threads Joined: Dec 2011
12-10-2011, 10:40 AM -
Is there a way to hide an icon on the task bar?
We use Outlook on a cloud based server and want to back-up the Outlook locally by running a local version of Outlook to syncronize the cloud based Outlook. It works, but it is confusing to the user as they have two Outlook icons in their task bar. We would like to hide one.
Your software looks very strong, but I can't see if it has this functionality.
We are running Windows 7 and UltraMon.
Thanks for your help,
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899 posts 100 threads Joined: Feb 2003
12-17-2011, 02:28 PM -
Usually icons can be customised or specified via Right Clicking the icon and select Appearance>Change Icon.

What one can do is to have created an icon with a transparent face and then select this as one's new icon.

Another idea is to change the icon into a different icon if one would rather not make it invisible after testing with the invisible icon idea.
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