Play All Button Plug-In - Play All Button Plug-In
Started by IceCaveman

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213 posts 52 threads Joined: Jan 2003
01-12-2003, 09:33 PM -
A play All button like in the Common Tasks panel in windows Explorer on WinXP would be nice, so people that only use the TLB menu to access files can do so easier.

213 posts 52 threads Joined: Jan 2003
01-12-2003, 09:42 PM -
also real shortcuts for windows media player would be nice, so wmp would not need to be on top when using remote or joy stick to play next songs/videos.
Change Text size for entire menus, for example I would like to have the main TLB menu just as it is, but the other media toolbar I use with big letters so I can see the easily on my TV so It would be easier to access music and videos with remote or Gamepad.
When having vertical toolbars it would be good if some could collapse, for example My Documents would have My Documents, My Music, My videos and all that but when clicket on my documents title it would all collapse and dissapear.

213 posts 52 threads Joined: Jan 2003
01-12-2003, 10:02 PM -
Somehow possibility to change pictures from apperance on play list files such as .m3u replace with album art.
This must be done or you must add change text size. (best would be both)
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658 posts 24 threads Joined: Sep 2002
01-13-2003, 08:12 AM -
<grrrrrr> :angry: I just spent probably 30 minutes composing a reply to these suggestions, but when I went to submit, something happened and my post was lost. So now, I will attempt to recreate that lost response. </grrrrrr>

Quote:A play All button like in the Common Tasks panel in windows Explorer on WinXP would be nice, so people that only use the TLB menu to access files can do so easier.

TLB already has this functionality, and it's a lot more selective than the WInXP version. Let's say you want to add this functionality to your music directory. Just open this menu in TLB and add a seperator to the very top of the menu (Right click -> New -> Seperator). Then right click this new seperator, and select "Enable Run All". Now when you click the seperator, TLB will launch all the files below the seperator until it encounters the end of the menu or another seperator. Lets say you want to launch all the MP3 files, but not the Real Media files. You can use folder filtering to accomplish this (right click the menu -> Folder filter...). You can always create a virtual copy of this menu and filter out everything else to have access to the RM files. Maybe you have a few sub menus at the top of your music menu. Just drag the run all seperator down below them and they won't be opened every time you click the seperator. Don't want to include the tracks from the Zoolander soundtrack at the bottom of the menu? Just add another seperator above them. You can enable run all on that seperator, too, so you can launch those files together. You can create as many groups (virtual playlists?) as you want this way. If your menu seems cluttered, you can enable expand / collapse on one ore more seperator to hide or show all the files in that "playlist". You can even create a title for the seperator to further organize things (right click the seperator -> Change Title).

Quote:also real shortcuts for windows media player would be nice, so wmp would not need to be on top when using remote or joy stick to play next songs/videos.
How about adding support for WMP to the Winamp control plugin? Would that satisfy this request? Even if not, I think this would be good to add, Yuri Wink

Quote:Change Text size for entire menus, for example I would like to have the main TLB menu just as it is, but the other media toolbar I use with big letters so I can see the easily on my TV so It would be easier to access music and videos with remote or Gamepad.
As far as I know, you can't change the menu item text size at all, let alone different settings for different menus (maybe Yuri could add this? Like to the Customize Menu dialog box?). However, you CAN make the titles font as big as you want (right click -> TLB settings -> Menu Appearance -> Titles Font), so if you use the "Virtual Playlist" suggestion above, you can make them easier to read. The only drawback, this applies to all the titles (i.e. named seperators) on the toolbar, so if you have others in other menus, they will be big, too.

Quote:When having vertical toolbars it would be good if some could collapse, for example My Documents would have My Documents, My Music, My videos and all that but when clicket on my documents title it would all collapse and dissapear.
It doesn't do that now? Unless you mean ALL the menus and submenus should close when you click on one, but then, what would be the point? Maybe you could be a little more specific?

Quote:Somehow possibility to change pictures from apperance on play list files such as .m3u replace with album art.
This must be done or you must add change text size. (best would be both)
You can already change the appearance of any file TLB displays. Just right click the file, slect appearance, then change icon. You can use any icon you like and even use the appearance menu to change its size. The change will only affect the paticular file you right clicked, not all files of that type.

213 posts 52 threads Joined: Jan 2003
01-13-2003, 08:38 PM -
The Play All button does not work for windows media player, and it takes long time to load in winamp, what media players is it best for?
When I was talking about changing icons on every file, it works on most of them, but I created a folder called play music and it had only .m3u files in it, the only options for it was text color and icon size. however I have not seen this problem at other of my menus.
About the WMP control intergration to the winamp control plugin ( as long as it has ALWAYS working hot keys it's good Smile )
When I was talking about the collapse thing I was talking about the taskbar should follow, know it's difficult for you but it would be nice. Also there is no possibility to access the seperator commands like collapse with Programmable gamecontrollers, would be nice to have shortcut keys to them or somehow the menu could select them without need for mice.
When changin the text size I was enable to change every text size exept the one I wanted, I could change the captions, and seperator titles but changing the text size on every item, as in folder names and file names wouldn't change at all.
Hovever thank you so much I was so ###### not to test these Seperator commands Smile )

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