"icon & text" style and "just icon" style in the same menu?
Started by aledef

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3 posts 1 threads Joined: Dec 2011
12-07-2011, 07:00 AM -
i got true lounch bar v5.6 from a few hours, and I love it yet! Smile
I have just a question: how can I get both "icon & text" style and "just icon" style
in the same menu?

I mean something like the image in attach (that comes from true launch bar website).

In the image you can see programs, games, control panel ecc in "icon & text" style
and internet browsers in a "just icon" stile.

How is it possible?
Thank you!

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"icon & text" style and "just icon" style in the same menu? - by aledef - 12-07-2011, 07:00 AM

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