02-21-2003, 10:15 AM -
Quote:Do not be bothered about all the icon notations - we are in the process of trying to build an ALL inclusive weather icon library (for ANY eventuality).
I'm not bothered by the icon notations, but it seems weather monitor is. I loaded two instances of the plugin, set both to use your provider file and Full 32 Custom skin. I even used the urls you posted. Using this configuration I was able to duplicate your problem. The icon for the second url (Disneyworld) did not show up... at first. Looking deeper into it, the current conditions (the varibale that drives the icon) were reported as "Chance of Storms", a condition not listed anywhere in the provider file or skin.ini file. Once you add this to the provider file, it should show up. However, some of the sections you have added to your provider file (such as Clouds2 and Chancerain) do not have counterparts in the default Full 32 Custom skin file, which could also cause problems. Each conditions group in the provider file needs to have an icon associated with it with a line like "Clouds2=clouds2.png" in the skin.ini file. Make sure you have an image named clouds2.png in the icons subdirectory of your skin's directory for this to work properly.
An easier way to associate a condition with an icon (that does not require editing either the skin.ini or the provider file) is to right click the plugin, and select change icon. This will bring up a dialog box wih all the skin's icons; simply pick one to associate with the listed weather condition. The plugin will add a line to the skin.ini file that will associate that specific condition with the icon you selected.
As for screen captures, there are a couple of ways to attach them to your post. First, if you have access to some webspace, upload the capture, then use the "Image" button above where you type your post to insert a link to that image in your post. You can also add a picture (or any file) to the end of you post by using the "File Attachments" area below the post's edit area. Just click "Browse..." and navigate to the file on your computer you wish to upload.
Just out of curiosity, who is this "we" you keep refering to?